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Fuel Economy

The cost of the fuel is higher and is increasing by day by day. As the demand for the vehicles arises and more and more cars are comes to the road, the increase of the of the fuel also increases. As the demand increases, the cost also increases. Here comes the thought that is it possible to save the fuel. Someday I believe it will be possible to drive the vehicles in water instead of peterol and disease. There will also vehicles that consume solar energy as fuel instead of peterol and diseal. Electrical cars and bikes are another way of saving peterol adn diseal.


Fuel efficiency cars have been a thought people had been thinking for long time. Have you wonder if it is possible to run your vehicles more efficient with more mileage. It is possible to get more mileage and run your vehicles more efficency now with some great tips that are mentioned below.
Driving in lower speeds helps to save more fuels than driving in higher speed. It is recommended to drive your cars in the economy speed limits. The economy speed limit is around 50 to 65 mph. Driving in high speed consumes more fuel of your vehicle.
Always turn on the windows of the car and turn off the A/C as far as possible. The A/C consumes more fuels. A/C should be used only there are lots of heat, otherwise try to use natural wind and air through the windows. Driving with windows open is better than putting A/C all the time in your vehicle.
Regular maintenance of the cars are one of the way to increase the efficency of the fuel and also to keep the cars in good shape and good tune. Regular maintenances not only saves the fuel, but also helps to save money in avoiding further maintenances due to wear and tear without proper maintenance.
Aggressive driving increases the fuel consumptions than the steady driving. Frequent increase of speeds and frequent braking helps to increase the fuel consumption. Steady driving is one of the meathod to save fuel. A car going around 50 to 60 miles an hour saves more fuel than a car going from 0 to 60 miles and then 60 to 40 miles and than 60 to 80 miles an hour and 80 to miles an hour. So one of the best way to save fuel of the car is to go on a steady speed.
Avoid carrier and other excessive lugagges as far as possible. Try to avoid any boxes or bags that are not needed. This helps in saving fuel. Excessive weight helps to increase the fuel consumption. Also with carrier, the winds also prevent the vehicle from moving forward, which requires more power and more fuel to be consumed.
We can save the 20% of the fuel we use by simply keeping our vehicle fuel efficent and by saving the fuel by walking or by carpooling. When more and more people use carpooling or use cycling or walking more fuel will be saved.
Time has come for us to save fuel for the next generation. If we consume all the fuel today the next generation will not have any fuel.
Try driving in the roads that has less traffic than the roads with traffic. Driving in the huge traffic requires to shift the gears frequently and needs to apply brakes more. Try to drive through the shortcuts and the roads with less traffic.
Drive in the top gear as far as possible. Try to avoid shifting from one geat to another and also driving in the first and second gears. Driving in the top gear helps to increase the fuel efficency.
Using cruise control can help to increase the mileage of the fuel. Use cruise control as far as possible in the flat roads.
A poorly tuned engine can increase the fuel consumption up to 50%. So always tune the engine of your vehicle.
Changing spark plugs regularly can helps in save a lot of fuel.
Always keep your car washed and waxed. Cleaning always helps in improving the efficency of the car and also helps in improving the milage of the cars.
If you are planning to buy a new car, go for a smaller car because smaller cars are more fuel efficient than the bigger cars.